Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Small Finishes

I've just realized, that I never did post my most recent small finishes for exchanges and such.

This is a card I made for the EMS quick Easter card exchange. It was a freebie from Lucie Heaton. I just added Happy Easter at the top.

Meet one of my favorites...Tatty Teddy. I did this one for a client to give to his wife on Valentine's Day.

This is a freebie but I don't remember from who or where. I stitched it for a Secret valentine Exchange on Jayne's Attic.

This was a bookmark exchange that I did on EMS.

I hope you enjoyed looking at my stuff. Right now, I'm still currently working on "Spray of Roses" for a client. All of I've got left is backstitching. I'll post when its done...hopefully soon.


Anonymous said...

Warning! Protection: here or here

Kirsten Bloemsma said...

Since it's almost Valentines Day and because we own siamese cats and because you say it is a freebie, could you please give me the pattern of the siamese cats with their tails spelling "love"???

My Stuff for Sale