Monday, March 17, 2008

Been Awhile!

Wow...its been awhile. Sorry for the few that actually do read my blog!!! I've been pretty busy. I've been working, stitching, and traveling. Since the last time I've blogged, I've finished a few projects. You can see them added to my slideshow on my myspace. You'll also find pictures of our trip to Florida. Take a look! Right now, I'm trying to finish a project for a client. Since I went on vacation, I lost a few days on it and so now I'm trying extra hard to get it finished before April. Not much left to go...just backstitching (but a lot of it). I'll try to post an update picture once I charge the batteries for my camera. I've been kinda lazy since I got back. So anyways....that's my life right. I'll try to post more often. And oh yeah....


My Stuff for Sale